
SOGI UBC 2SLGBTQ+ Teacher Candidate Mentorship Program

The SOGI UBC Teacher Candidate Mentorship Program carefully matches highly experienced and passionate 2SLGBTQ+ educational practitioners with 2SLGBTQ+ teacher candidates in UBCs Bachelor of Education Program. The goal of the program is to provide strategic mentorship to 2SLGBTQ+ BEd Students in order to support them in navigating the unique challenges facing them in the teaching profession.

Meet the Mentors

Past Initiatives

Call for Proposals: SOGI UBC Research to Practice Microgrant Program 2022

SOGI UBC invites current undergraduate and graduate students at Canadian post-secondary institutions (e.g. colleges and universities) to submit proposals for research-based resources for PK-12 educators related to gender and sexuality. Specifically, we invite students engaged in scholarly projects related to gender and sexuality to design educational tools or resources for PK-12 teachers that draw from that scholarship.

Submissions now closed. Follow SOGI UBC on Twitter and Instagram to stay up to date on winning projects!

Trans Freedom Summer School

SOGI UBC and the University of Arizona’s Trans Studies program are collaborating this summer to host a 3-part Trans freedom political education webinar series for youth, educators, and allies.

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Anti-Racist SOGI Professional Development Series

Building educational environments that are both anti-racist and SOGI inclusive is essential to 2SLGBTQ+ freedom. This interactive Professional Development Sequence utilizes anti-oppressive frameworks to engage in collaborative learning about sexuality and gender in ways that center the intersections of race and Indigeneity.

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SOGI UBC Transformative Education Speaker Series (TESS)

The SOGI UBC Transformative Education Speaker Series (TESS) brings together leading scholars and artists working at the nexus of anti-racism, Indigenous education, and gender and sexuality in education to consider the possibilities for the future of anti-oppressive teaching and learning in North America.

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SOGI UBC is funded by the Jane Rule Initiative at UBC established by Dr. Robert Quartermain.